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Can Elder Financial Abuse Be Stopped?

The financial exploitation of elderly people comes at a great cost: It costs victims as much as $36.5 billion each year, according to the National Council on Aging. It can also be more difficult to detect than physical abuse and neglect because it’s often done by family members, trusted friends and caregivers.
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Estate Planning when So Much Is Uncertain

Taxpayers should, of course, carefully consider whether to engage in a lifetime gifting strategy, which has other considerations beyond just estate taxes (such as the tradeoff with the ‘step‑up’ in basis, and non-tax family related considerations).
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Can I Change My Estate Plan During Divorce?

At such an emotional time, more paperwork is probably the last thing you want on your to-do list. However, taking a few key steps is critical to your financial future.
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How to Protect Assets from Medicaid Spend Down?

Several types of special income trusts and other strategies can be helpful when trying to protect your family’s assets from the devastating costs of long-term care.
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What Estate Planning Does My Child Need at 19?

Picture this…your child is in the hospital, but the on-call doctor won’t talk to you let alone allow you to weigh in on medical decisions. While hospitalized, your child’s bills are going unpaid because you can’t access their accounts—potentially wreaking havoc on their financial credit. Why? Because they’re over the age of 18.
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Do I Need a Living Trust?

What Is a Living Trust?
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What Can We Learn from Painter Bob Ross’ Business Succession and Estate Planning?

The new, buzzy Netflix documentary on the late, beloved, iconic public broadcasting TV host, painter Bob Ross—“Bob Ross: Happy Accidents, Betrayal and Greed”—documents how the artist’s son, Steve, now 55, was allegedly robbed of his late father’s inheritance by the artist’s business partners.
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How Does Cryptocurrency Work in an Estate Plan?

Crypto assets can be lost forever without proper storage and estate planning. When it comes to cryptocurrency, safe and secure transfer is paramount, meaning basic estate planning documents, like a will, often won't be enough.
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Some of Most Famous (or Infamous) Estate Planning Mistakes

If you do not learn from your mistakes, you are doomed to repeat them. In Estate Planning, if you do not learn from other’s mistakes, you are likely to repeat them.
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Do I Need a 529 Education Savings Plan?

Most of us associate 529 accounts as college savings vehicles. They’re flexible, allowing you to transfer assets to anyone, including yourself, for the express purpose of furthering the education of your beneficiary. However, did you know that a 529 can also be a powerful estate planning tool?
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